Executive CoachingManagement ConsultingProject ManagementSeminars
Providing Strategic Advice for  Entrepreneurial  Companies  

Management and Leadership Skills
Building effective management skills starts with training. Marketing Solutions offers introductory and advanced management skills seminars to help your organization develop and refine the skills needed to manage people more effectively.

Successful Employee Performance Appraisals
One of the responsibilities faced by every person in a managerial or supervisory position is the evaluation of employee performance. Most successful organizations require periodic performance evaluations. This seminar is designed to help the appraiser in selecting the commonly rated factors that might accurately describe a position or key responsibility and use the employee performance review to lead to improved performance throughout the organization.

Goal Setting
The only way we can reasonably decide what we want in the future and how we will get there, is to first know where we are right now, and secondly, what our level of satisfaction is for where we are in life. The focus of this seminar is on the four main components of Goal-Setting

  • Evaluation and Reflection
  • Dreams and Goals
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  • Accountability

A hands-on program designed to establish not only the importance of setting goals, but also the impact of achieving

Time Management
Manufacturing Time: a seminar for the high achievers in your organization: this seminar works through the process of identifying, categorizing, prioritizing, and achieving the tasks that move the organization forward in the most effective, efficient manner.

  • The Importance of Planning vs. a Calendar
  • The mechanics: Paper, Computer, Daytimer,
  • Time analysis
  • The Importance of Value Added Actions
  • Time Chunking
  • Want To vs. Must Do
  • Planning: the who, what, when and where
  • Visualization: Planning your work and working your plan
  • Planned vs. Actual
  • CPI: Continues Process Improvement

With competition increasing every day, you need proven marketing techniques you can use to generate demand for your existing products and services. You also need an effective product development process to create new offerings. And, you need a marketing communications strategy that will penetrate your markets and open up profitable opportunities.

Our seminars will help you optimize your marketing communications strategy and product development process to compete and win!

Marketing Plan Workshop

Designed for entry level Marketers, this seminar covers what all the elements of Marketing including:
  • What Marketing is
  • How it works
  • What tools are most effective
  • The costs
  • And the specific steps to develop and implement a successful Marketing Plan.

Communication Plans

One element often overlooked in Business Plans is the effectiveness of a defined Strategic Communication Plan. This 2 hour seminar is designed to lead you through all the steps in Developing a plan that will smooth your job all year, help set work priorities, protect you from last-minute demands, and bring a semblance of order to a chaotic job.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is useful to complete an analysis that takes into account not only your own business, but your competitors' activities and current industry happenings as well when conducting strategic planning for any company - online and/or offline.

Completing a SWOT analysis helps you identify ways to minimize the affect of weaknesses in your business while maximizing your strengths. Ideally, you will match your strengths against market opportunities that result from voids in your competitors' products and/or services.

Marketing Solutions sales training programs focus on the intangible, yet undeniable success of Networking and Word of Mouth selling. In each and every sales training seminar, you’ll uncover ways to increase your numbers by using fundamental and advanced Networking techniques.

Leveraged Networking
A proven system for getting more referrals from the time you invest in networking.

Statements of Excellence
When making new contacts it is vital you have prepared impact statements that will impress them and motivate them to refer. This seminar shows you how to create and deliver such statements.

The Correct Way to Make a Referral
Referrals to other professionals mean goodwill and a greater likelihood of a return referral. This seminar describes the most effective way to make a referral to maximize the probability of getting business.

Meeting with Contacts
This seminar provides you with a step-by-step description of what to say and do with new contacts to maximize future referrals.

Effective Follow-up with Contacts
This seminar shows you powerful follow-up techniques to maximize referrals from networking contacts.

Building Your Professional Image
Image and reputation are important in attracting business to your law practice. This seminar shows you how to enhance your image through lecturing, publication and leadership.

Handling Telephone INquiries from Prospective Clients
When a prospective client calls it is important to handle that call quickly and effectively. This seminar explains the correct way to handle these calls.

Winning the Sales Contest
With clients shopping more than ever before, it is increasingly important that lawyers are able to sell themselves. This seminar gives tips on closing the deal.